Wednesday, May 10, 2023


You would have think I would have learned my lesson. This is the second time I have burned myself with boiling hot water while in the galley in rough seas aboard Sea Dog. The first time was when we were bring the boat up from Ft Lauderdale to Liberty Landing Marina in 2014 (our first voyage on our new to us boat). In that case it was water that splash onto my leg while boiling a pot of pasta. In that case, it hurt, nothing serious, not quite a first degree burn. This time it was a bit worse, a second degree burn with a nice assortment of blisters.  The culprit was a 12 oz cup of very hot coffee that dumped down my right leg onto my foot. I was wearing wool pants, so my leg was spared. I can't say the same for my foot. I had on my boat shoes with socks. Unfortunately the shoe and sock did not provide much protection, in fact I think it was worse since the hot liquid just soaked into my sock and sat on my foot.  Our resident nurse on Sea Dog, Michelle had me apply ice until it cooled. She then applied an antibiotic salve and bandaged it up to keep the blisters covered and protected. 

Fast forward, each day the blisters got a bit larger, now three days and a couple of bandage changes later, most of the blisters have popped. Michelle and Keith found a wild Aloe Vera plant, on a trip to the local liquor store, that nurse Michelle is having me apply to the blisters several times a day.

Most of the blisters have popped. While my foot is not looking its best, it is not hurting anymore which is nice.  There is one lasting blister on the inside of my ankle.

Note, the bloodied third and fourth toe was caused by stubbing my foot against a shroud while barefoot. It this case I am pretty sure my boat shoes would have protect me.


  1. Yup. Been there done that at sea! Nice blog. Am looking forward to following y’all.

  2. Aloe for the infection prevention, hope they got something for the pain at that liquor store too!
